I’m in the middle of making some pretty significant decisions. I have decided that for my first year here I will be working with the GOLD Peer Education Program in two of the local high schools. I’m super excited to really start getting involved with the youth!
I’m also coming very close to securing a flat (apartment) and a car but both of those things are still in the works.
I am so thankful for finding a church home here in George and for meeting quite a few very cool friends who have certainly made this transition a lot easier! I was invited to go beach camping with a group of friends a few weekends ago and it was awesome.
One thing I’m struggling with is figuring out how to best keep in touch with people at home because I’m still working on getting settled and haven’t found a rhythm yet. Please pray for grace and patience and please pray for me so that I’m not living under a guilty feeling for not being able to communicate as much with friends and family as I’d like.
I am going to be spending the rest of this week at a pregnancy and HIV/AIDS training and for the next two weekends I’ll be helping lead Peer Education Mentors Camps. These camps are awesome opportunities to connect with students so please pray that some great and lasting connections are made. I’ll also be putting my sports/life skills training into play so please pray that it goes well!
I miss you guys and I think about you all the time!
We miss you too Caitlin! Thank you for keeping us posted on your blog though. It is fascinating to be able to read about your life in South Africa and to see pictures too. :o)